[Massplanners] Pembroke Master Plan RFP deadline extended

Matthew Heins mheins at townofpembrokemass.org
Wed May 25 13:26:31 EDT 2022

Dear MassPlanners,

To follow up on my previous message (below) about the RFP for the town of Pembroke's master plan: the deadline for bid submissions has been extended to Friday, May 27, at noon. See the message below for more information.

Best wishes,

Matthew Heins
Planning Board Assistant
Town of Pembroke
Email: mheins at townofpembrokemass.org<mailto:mheins at townofpembrokemass.org>
Phone: 781-709-1433 / Fax: 781-709-1453
Address: Office of the Planning Board, Pembroke Town Hall, 100 Center St., Pembroke, MA 02359

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From: Matthew Heins
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2022 11:20 AM
To: MassPlanners at masscptc.org
Subject: Pembroke Master Plan RFP

Dear MassPlanners,

The Town of Pembroke, Massachusetts (about 25 miles southeast of Boston) has issued an RFP for a Comprehensive Master Plan. As stated at the beginning of the RFP: "The Town of Pembroke is seeking proposals from professional planning consultants for a Comprehensive Master Plan. The selected firm shall have demonstrated experience providing specified services for similar projects, preferably in Massachusetts." Proposals are due by noon on May 25, 2022.

For basic information go to https://www.pembroke-ma.gov/home/news/master-plan-rfp-now-available, and to see the full RFP go to https://www.pembroke-ma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif3666/f/uploads/master_plan_rfp.pdf.

If you have any questions, you should contact the Pembroke Town Manager's Office at 781-293-3844.


Matthew Heins
Planning Board Assistant
Town of Pembroke
Email: mheins at townofpembrokemass.org<mailto:mheins at townofpembrokemass.org>
Phone: 781-709-1433 / Fax: 781-709-1453
Address: Office of the Planning Board, Pembroke Town Hall, 100 Center St., Pembroke, MA 02359

This electronic message is confidential and intended for the named recipient only. Any dissemination, disclosure or distribution of the contents of this communication is unlawful and prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please contact by return email or telephone (781-709-1433), and delete the copy you received. Thank you.

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