[Massplanners] Multifamily Zoning Requirements for MBTA Communities webinar

Katrina O'leary katrina.oleary at middletonma.gov
Fri Mar 18 12:56:17 EDT 2022

Hi Carolyn,

I know that the Middleton Selectmen will be reviewing draft comments at their meeting next Tuesday night regarding the MBTA Communities Required Multi-family Zoning.  The draft letter can be found on pages 11-13 of their posted meeting packets: https://middletonma.gov/DocumentCenter/View/3237/SB-Meeting-Packet-3222022?

I did not provide the input for this letter, but I know that several of the surrounding small towns will be submitting similar letters.  This is a case where I think the discussion of how this law will affect small towns should involve the select board and/or the town administrator/managers, with input from their planners.

I have attended several of the wonderful Zoom informational meetings held for this new zoning.  However, if I'm not given the green light by those that appoint me to work on taking the steps for Middleton to conform to these new requirements, my actions are limited.?

Katrina O'Leary, AICP
Middleton Town Planner
195 North Main Street    Middleton, MA   01949

From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> on behalf of Carolyn Britt via MassPlanners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Sent: Friday, March 18, 2022 11:33 AM
To: Alan Pease; MassPlanners at masscptc.org
Subject: Re: [Massplanners] Multifamily Zoning Requirements for MBTA Communities webinar


Thank you for setting this up. There have been a number of these already. The couple I have participated in did not really allow for discussion, just a few individual questions. I think this initiative really deserves more time for coordinated comment and review, and more facilitated discussions on what can work and what won't work, what is equitable and what isn't.

If there has been a discussion amongst cities and towns effected by these new regulations, can someone please direct me to the a recording or slide deck of such a discussion. Or if someone is planning to sponsor a discussion rather than listing of requirements, I would like to know when and where.

Thank you.

Carolyn Britt, AICP

Chair, Ipswich Planning Board


On 3/18/2022 8:30 AM, Alan Pease via MassPlanners wrote:
Time is running out to Regist<https://masscptc.org/training/webinar-2022/webinar-series-22.html>er<https://masscptc.org/training/webinar-2022/webinar-series-22.html> for Multifamily Zoning Requirements for MBTA Communities. Registration closes Saturday, 3/19/22 at 6:00pm. Webinar held on Monday, 3/21/22 at 6 pm.  There is no charge for this webinar. https://masscptc.org/training/webinar-2022/webinar-series-22.html

328 Richardson Rd.
Ashby, MA 01431


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