[Massplanners] Housing Choice Communities Designation Application Closing 3/7/22

Zamborlini, Filipe (OCD) filipe.zamborlini at state.ma.us
Tue Mar 1 09:15:51 EST 2022

Brief correction: Housing Choice Communities Designation application closes on 3/7/22 at 5pm!

Filipe Zamborlini
Community Grants Coordinator, Community Services Division
Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300
Boston, MA  02114
filipe.zamborlini at mass.gov

Please note: DHCD staff are working remotely, I check email frequently and will respond as soon as possible.

-----Original Message-----
From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of massplanners-request at masscptc.org
Sent: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 8:52 AM
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Subject: MassPlanners Digest, Vol 11, Issue 1

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Today's Topics:

   1. Housing Choice Communities Designation Application Closing
      2/7/22 (Zamborlini, Filipe (OCD))
   2. Some MBTA Communities Questions (Christopher Ryan)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2022 22:03:13 +0000
From: "Zamborlini, Filipe (OCD)" <filipe.zamborlini at state.ma.us>
To: "massplanners at masscptc.org" <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [Massplanners] Housing Choice Communities Designation
	Application Closing 2/7/22
	<BY5PR09MB5988BF06BECCD5C3CE2974319C019 at BY5PR09MB5988.namprd09.prod.outlook.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

Dear MassPlanners,

The 2022 Housing Choice Designation Application is closing in a week on 2/7/22 at 5:00pm. The deadline will not extend this year.

If your municipality plans to apply this year, there is still time! The application and materials can be found online at 2022 Housing Choice Designation Application  | Mass.gov<https://www.mass.gov/how-to/2022-housing-choice-designation-application>! Two big changes are being implemented this year:

  1.  No Housing Choice Grant Cool-Off Period: Housing Choice Communities eligible for the Housing Choice Grant Program will no longer have to wait 1-year cool-off period after receiving a grant. E.G.: A municipality receiving an FY22 HC grant CAN apply for an FY23 grant.
  2.  5-Year Designation: The Housing Choice Designation will last 5 years, instead of 2, which will better align the designation with the Housing Choice Initiative and its goals.

If you have any questions regarding Housing Choice Designation, please send an email to Chris.Kluchman at mass.gov<mailto:Chris.Kluchman at mass.gov> and Filipe.Zamborlini at mass.gov<mailto:Filipe.Zamborlini at mass.gov>. We are looking forward to receiving new designation applications from interested communities.


Filipe Zamborlini
Community Grants Coordinator, Community Services Division Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD)
100 Cambridge Street, Suite 300
Boston, MA  02114
filipe.zamborlini at mass.gov<mailto:filipe.zamborlini at mass.gov>

Please note: DHCD staff are working remotely, I check email frequently and will respond as soon as possible.

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Message: 2
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2022 13:51:46 +0000
From: Christopher Ryan <cryan at harvard-ma.gov>
To: "Massplanners Listserv (MassPlanners at masscptc.org)"
	<MassPlanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [Massplanners] Some MBTA Communities Questions
	<DM8PR09MB676066DB45F01314B82E0EF696029 at DM8PR09MB6760.namprd09.prod.outlook.com>
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Hi all

This post is primarily for MBTA Adjacent communities but I welcome input from any MBTA community or other interested party. No doubt most impacted communities are busily pulling together formal comments for the March 31 deadline. So my first question relates to that:

Q: What specific issues or criteria is your community focusing on related to your comments and how are you phrasing your comments? Are you proposing any alternatives or modifications?

Next, I assume particularly for smaller communities with little capacity that you may be interested in taking advantage of the assistance that may be available. So...

Q: What kind of technical assistance are you thinking about now? Is it one of the options suggested in outreach materials such as MHP, RPA's, etc. or are you thinking about something else?

Related to public engagement...I know this can be a double edged sword.

Q: How to you envision engaging the public during this process? Do you want them to "drive the bus", "keep them informed", or something in between?

Finally, we're interested in whether communities are (1) interested in "just getting something done" and either living with that or using it for breathing room to later develop something more complex and thoughtful, or (2) right up front looking to be creative and engaging in the development of something that would truly be "great planning"...so

Q: What kind of solution or solutions do you think you will proceed with? Will you try to integrate this into other initiatives or develop something from scratch? Are you considering mixed-use? Will you try to develop a complementary inclusionary housing bylaw? What is your approach?

I know there is a lot to unpack here. We'd welcome responses on just one of these areas in depth.  We'd also love to hear from communities who may want to work collaboratively on any issue in this area.

Thanks in advance...

Chris R.

Christopher J. Ryan, AICP
Director of Community and Economic Development Town of Harvard
13 Ayer Road
Harvard, MA  01451
Tel: 978.456.4100 x.323
Email: cryan at harvard-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at harvard-ma.gov>
Web: https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.harvard-ma.gov__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!yfm_pB1WaOBvPvKul8Z4t-tgWmoOdYumDTaU76NUlOGrlemFo3hITeX1YnsPM11bZ7Hdm2Ph$ <https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.harvard-ma.gov/__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!yfm_pB1WaOBvPvKul8Z4t-tgWmoOdYumDTaU76NUlOGrlemFo3hITeX1YnsPM11bZ1SRJk94$ >

**Please note new email address and domain as of 9/1/21 email is now cryan at harvard-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at harvard-ma.gov>. Please change in your contacts list.

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