[Massplanners] Extension of Remote Meetings?

Laura Harbottle lharbottle at doverma.gov
Mon Jul 18 11:48:55 EDT 2022

Hi Daniel,
This was very helpful information. Thanks so much!

On Mon, Jul 18, 2022 at 11:34 AM Daniel Amstutz <
DAmstutz at town.arlington.ma.us> wrote:

> FYI - the remote meeting extension was signed into law by Lt. Gov. Polito
> on July 16:
> https://www.mma.org/remote-meeting-extension-for-local-boards-signed-into-law/
> Daniel Amstutz, AICP
> Senior Transportation Planner
> Department of Planning & Community Development
> Town of Arlington
> 730 Massachusetts Avenue
> Arlington, MA 02476
> (781) 316-3093
> damstutz at town.arlington.ma.us
> *Arlington values equity, diversity, and inclusion. We are committed to
> building a community where everyone is heard, respected, and protected.*
> From: Daniel Fortier via MassPlanners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
> To: Laura Harbottle <lharbottle at doverma.gov>
> Cc: "Listserv (massplanners at masscptc.org)" <massplanners at masscptc.org>
> Date: Fri, 15 Jul 2022 12:10:01 -0400
> Subject: Re: [Massplanners] Extension of Remote Meetings?
> CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the Town of Arlington's
> email system. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize
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> CAUTION: This email originated from outside your organization. Exercise
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> senders.
> Correction March of 2023 extension
> Dan Fortier
> Retired
> Interim Dennis Planner
> especially from unknown senders.
> [image: image]
> [image: image]
> [image: image]
> [image: image]
> Legislature Passes Remote Meeting Extension Through March 31, 2023
> On Thursday afternoon, the House and Senate passed legislation (S. 3007)
> extending key pandemic-era accommodations, including remote meeting
> authorizations, to March 31, 2023. Once the Governor signs the bill, cities
> and towns will retain the option to hold public meetings remotely,
> following the same guidelines that have been in place since the COVID
> public health emergency was first declared in March of 2020.
> Back in May, a remote meeting extension was included in the final FY23
> Senate Budget as an outside section, but this language was advanced by the
> Senate as a standalone bill last week with the July 15th expiration
> approaching and the final budget still tied up in negotiations. The House
> later passed its own version of the bill, including language that would
> have created a permanent mandate for remote access to all public meetings
> aside from those in executive session, with a provision requiring remote
> participation by the public if public participation is allowed or required
> at the meeting. This would have gone into effect on April 1, 2023.
> The MMA worked with our members and stakeholders across the Commonwealth
> to make it clear to the Legislature that despite the good intentions behind
> H. 4991, such an unfunded mandate would have presented unworkable
> financial, technological, logistical, and practical challenges for cities
> and towns.
> The MMA is pleased the Legislature took these concerns very seriously and
> removed this unfunded mandate from the bill, extending current remote
> meeting options through March 31st of next year. The MMA will continue to
> push for a permanent solution that gives municipalities the necessary
> flexibility and funding they will need to expand participation and
> engagement through remote and hybrid meetings.
> The bill is now on the Governor’s desk awaiting action, and will go into
> effect immediately once signed. Communities with public meetings scheduled
> today or early next week are encouraged to consult with their municipal
> legal counsel on the best course of action.
> Please thank your Representatives and Senators for extending the remote
> meeting options, and for recognizing the challenges that would have been
> created with an unworkable mandate.
> On Thu, Jul 14, 2022, 9:29 AM Laura Harbottle via MassPlanners <
> massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I hope things are going well with your planning lives, and otherwise...
>> weekend approaching!
>> I'm just trying to confirm, the soonest a bill can be signed to extend or
>> reauthorize remote meetings is Friday.  We're posting today for a meeting
>> Monday and will probably go live, but board and staff are curious.
>> TIA!
>> Laura
>> Laura Harbottle AICP, CFM
>> Interim Town Planner
>> 5 Springdale Ave.
>> Dover, MA  02030
>> --
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