[Massplanners] Job Posting: Two Community Engagement Specialists at MAPC!

Brandt, Christian CBrandt at mapc.org
Thu Jan 13 11:04:21 EST 2022

Hello Planners!

MAPC is currently hiring for two Community Engagement Specialists!  Please feel free to pass along to anyone you know that is interested.  We're Especially looking for people that are multilingual, are very familiar with parts of the region and/or have strong relationships with community groups in our region.  They can apply here:  https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/mapc/jobs/3376263/community-engagement-specialist?pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs.  Happy to answer any questions about the opportunity.

Also, MAPC has a slew of other open positions, including a Deputy Executive Director for Planning and Sustainability, Senior Clean Energy Planner, Regional Arts and Culture Planner, and a Government Affairs Specialist.  All jobs can be found here<https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/mapc?>.


Christian Brandt, AICP
Community Engagement Manager
cbrandt at mapc.org<mailto:cbrandt at mapc.org> | 617-933-0796
Pronouns: he, him, his

Metropolitan Area Planning Council<http://www.mapc.org/>
60 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111
Community Engagement Department<https://www.mapc.org/our-work/services-for-cities-towns/community-engagement/>
Join the team! We're hiring Community Engagement Specialists!<https://www.governmentjobs.com/careers/mapc/jobs/3376263/community-engagement-specialist?pagetype=jobOpportunitiesJobs>

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