[Massplanners] Job Opportunity - Boston Harbor Regional Coordinator (MA Office of Coastal Zone Management)

Erikk Hokenson elhokenson at gmail.com
Mon Jan 3 16:15:47 EST 2022

The Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management is seeking a qualified
Boston Harbor Regional Coordinator that will serve as the agency's primary
point of contact for the coastal municipalities in metro-Boston from
Winthrop to Weymouth. The role entails providing coastal management
assistance to municipalities, non-governmental organizations, local, state
and federal agencies, conservation commissions, and others as applicable;
serving as the lead review for assigned environmental permitting processes
(e.g., MEPA, federal consistency review); and leading port and harbor
planning activities.

A full job description and list of required and preferred qualifications is
available here:
https://massanf.taleo.net/careersection/ex/jobdetail.ftl?job=21000ATV This
full-time role is based in Boston, but currently in a hybrid remote/office

Please let me know if you have any questions about the role and feel free
to forward the listing to qualified applicants.

Thank you.

Erikk Hokenson
Boston Harbor Regional Coordinator
Massachusetts Office of Coastal Zone Management
erikk.hokenson at mass.gov
(617) 626-1234
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