[Massplanners] Zoning for cannabis cultivation

Angela Cleveland clevelanda at amesburyma.gov
Wed Feb 9 12:23:21 EST 2022

Hello Planning Friends!

I am researching what the minimum acreage is for cultivation of cannabis in communities across the Commonwealth. Amesbury adopted a minimum lot size of 100 acres back in 2018. There is a request to re-examine this as it limits the available lots to only a small handful (literally, 3-4 parcels). I am curious how our peers across the state are handling this. We have been told our western peers “have figured this out”. 😊

Thank you in advance!

Community & Economic Development
T (978) 388-8110
C (603) 305-5385

Municipal Development Center
39 South Hunt Road | Amesbury, MA 01913

Notice: Please be aware the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most emails to and from the City of Amesbury are public records and therefore cannot be kept confidential.
MGL: Chpt.66, Sec.10 Public Records Law.<https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartI/TitleX/Chapter66/Section10/>
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