[Massplanners] Parking Requirements

cityplanner at cityofattleboro.us cityplanner at cityofattleboro.us
Fri Dec 16 09:18:52 EST 2022

Hi Jacki,

Attleboro is as well. I just requested an appropriation and hope to get a
consultant on board in January. Would you share with me the information you
receive? Please see below..




Gary G. Ayrassian, Director

Department of Planning & Development 

City of Attleboro | City Hall - Government Center | 

77 Park Street | Attleboro, MA  02703 |

p: 508.223.2222 x 3143 | f: 508.222.3046 |

 <mailto:cityplanner at cityofattleboro.us> cityplanner at cityofattleboro.us |

 <http://www.cityofattleboro.us/> www.cityofattleboro.us |



From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Jacki
Byerley via MassPlanners (massplanners at masscptc.org)
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2022 8:04 AM
To: massplanners at masscptc.org
Subject: [Massplanners] Parking Requirements


Hi Everyone, Andover is looking to update parking requirements throughout
all our districts if you could please share with me your parking
requirements I would appreciate it.  Some of questions are for the
Industrial Districts and downtown.  We are looking to require EV stations,
any information you have regarding EV stations requirements would be
helpful, are you using a percentage?  Also how is your downtown parking
handled, do you have any uses that have a zero-parking requirement? Our
Zoning Ordinance gives the ZBA the latitude to reduce off-street parking
requirements up to 50% in any zoning district and by 100% (0 parking
requirement) in the Central Business zoning district. In addition, the ZBA
may also allow by special permit one to lease private off-street parking
facilities located within 300-feet of the subject development property and
allow by special permit one to lease municipal off-street parking facilities
located within 1,000-feet of the subject development property. The direct
answer to your question is no, we do not have any uses that allow for a
zero-parking requirement. Generally speaking, I don't have a problem with a
zero parking requirement in the downtown, or CB zoning district. I think
some traffic congestion is good. I like on-street angled parking. However,
and I bet this is the case in Andover and I'd be surprised if it isn't, the
problem in Attleboro is that there is perception that there isn't enough
parking. Well, yes there is. The problem is that generally speaking, people
don't want to walk. They want to park in front of wherever they are going
and if they can't, well there's not enough parking.   Any information you
could provide will be greatly appreciated.


Happy Holidays,




Jacki Byerley, AICP


Town of Andover 

36 Bartlet Street

Andover, MA 01810


Phone : 978-623-8650 

Fax: 978-623-8695


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