[Massplanners] Parking Requirements

Jacki Byerley jacki.byerley at andoverma.us
Fri Dec 16 08:04:06 EST 2022

Hi Everyone, Andover is looking to update parking requirements throughout all our districts if you could please share with me your parking requirements I would appreciate it.  Some of questions are for the Industrial Districts and downtown.  We are looking to require EV stations, any information you have regarding EV stations requirements would be helpful, are you using a percentage?  Also how is your downtown parking handled, do you have any uses that have a zero-parking requirement? Any information you could provide will be greatly appreciated.

Happy Holidays,

Jacki Byerley, AICP
Town of Andover
36 Bartlet Street
Andover, MA 01810

Phone : 978-623-8650
Fax: 978-623-8695

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