[Massplanners] Certificate for Old ANR

Andrew Groff agroff at williamstownma.gov
Wed Dec 7 17:05:20 EST 2022

Good Evening Planners
Does anyone have a template for a bit of an odd ANR issue? We have a local
land trust that had an ANR plan signed 2 years ago in December 2020 to
facilitate a CR closing. This closing was significantly delayed. They are
looking to do the closing now. Does anyone have a template for a
certificate to attached to the old ANR certifying no change has occurred in
the intervening time as referenced in Ch. 41 - 81X to attach to such a plan
for recordation? Just checking to ensure we can produce something that has
previously been accepted by another MA Registry. A call to our own Registry
was unfortunately not helpful.
Thanks all,
Andrew Groff

*Town of Williamstown*
Community Development Dept.
Andrew Groff, A.I.C.P.
31 North Street
Williamstown, Mass. 01267
(413) 597-8284
*The Secretary of the Commonwealth has determined that most e-mails to and
from municipal offices and officials are public records. Consequently,
confidentiality should not be expected.  *
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