[Massplanners] Linkage Fee Programs in Massachusetts

Victor Panak vpanak at brooklinema.gov
Tue Aug 30 16:17:34 EDT 2022

Hi All,
I am trying to do some research on existing linkage fee programs in Massachusetts and am hoping to generate a list of communities that have adopted such requirements. For the purpose of this question, a linkage fee would be set forth in a by-law/ordinance and require non-residential developments to pay a fee that gets collected into a trust and used for affordable housing (and potentially other uses) - kind of like inclusionary zoning but for non-residential uses. If your community has a linkage program or you know of a community with a linkage program, please let me know. My list already includes Boston, Cambridge, Somerville, Watertown, Everett, Medford, Gloucester, and Barnstable. Though I'm still trying to confirm Medford and Gloucester...
Thanks everyone!
Victor Panak
ED/LT Planner, Economic Development Division
Brookline Planning Department
333 Washington Street, Brookline, MA 02445
Phone: 617-264-6482 (wk), 339-368-0433 (cell)
Office: Tu/Th  Remote: Mo/We/Fr

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