[Massplanners] Grant Prioritization Plan?

Benson, Rachel RBenson at wrentham.gov
Tue Aug 23 11:47:16 EDT 2022

Hi All,
Wondering if any communities have created an internal "Grant Prioritization Plan" that sets out short / long term strategies for applying for the numerous State/Federal programs available so departments are not in competition with each other? What other departments do you coordinate with? Who initiates this in your Town? Is it updated yearly?

Thank you and have a great day!

Rachel Benson
Director of Planning & Economic Development
Planning & Community Development
Town of Wrentham
79 South Street
Wrentham, MA  02093
508-384-5400 x5441
EFFECTIVE JULY 1, 2022 Town Hall hours: Mon, Wed, Thur: 8a-4:30p, Tues: 8a-7:30p, Fri: Closed

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