[Massplanners] Legal ads

Bob Mitchell mitchellfaicp at gmail.com
Mon Apr 4 13:15:51 EDT 2022

Greetings: There have been a number of posts on the massplanners listserv
recently regarding the difficulties cities and towns are having with
placing legal ads in newspapers. I thought this April 2 Media Nation blog
from Dan Kennedy at the Northeastern University School of Journalism would
be of interest to the planning community.

Mass. law governing legal ads needs to be updated to include digital-only
outlets – Media Nation (dankennedy.net)

Bob Mitchell FAICP
Planning Consultant
Land Use, Planning, Zoning, & Training Programs
151 Tremont Street Suite 23A
Boston, MA 02111
617-512-9751 (c)
MitchellFAICP at gmail.com
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