[Massplanners] Town of North Attleboro Request for Proposals: Consultant Services for the Development of a Mixed-use Overlay District

Gil Hilario ghilario at nattleboro.com
Fri Oct 22 15:27:11 EDT 2021

Town of North Attleboro Request for Proposals: Consultant Services for the Development of a Mixed-use Overlay District

Dear MassPlanners,

North Attleboro is going through an exciting time where we are launching a few planning initiatives to coincide with the Town's new 2022 Master Plan. We are issuing three Requests for Proposals to hire a consultant (s) to develop a mixed-use overlay district & bylaw, create design guidelines, and to complete a land inventory for strategic planning services. These are three separate projects although a consultant can submit a proposal for more than one in a single bid if capable and will result in cost savings. North Attleboro has a vibrant downtown with unique businesses and services on a one-mile strip. In addition to some neat stores and restaurants, the downtown hosts a weekly farmers' market, block parties, holiday strolls, and a brewery is coming. North Attleboro also has two active commercial corridors on Route 1 and Old Post Road. We are looking for a consultant that can work with the Town to create a mixed-use overlay district primarily for these areas and perhaps be a tiered approach.

The goal of the mixed-use overlay district is to promote a vibrant setting that is conducive for walking while promoting businesses and housing.  Also, to make mixed-use development easier to read in the bylaws and more identifiable. The renaming of certain zoning districts not necessarily to mixed-use may be involved in this.  This bylaw also has the potential to be involved in an exciting reimagining project with a mall. The project can possibly expand to further codification of the zoning bylaws.

More information can be found in the RFP here:  https://www.nattleboro.com/sites/g/files/vyhlif3566/f/uploads/town_of_north_attleboro_rfp_for_mixed-use_overlay_district_0.pdf

The deadline for proposals is November 24, 2021.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at ghilario at nattleboro.com.


Gil Hilario, CFM

Town Planner

Town of North Attleboro

43 South Washington St.

North Attleboro, MA 02760

Office:  508.699.0116
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