[Massplanners] ARPA Funding -project ideas

Gary Bechtholdt gbechtholdt at northbridgemass.org
Thu Oct 21 13:32:15 EDT 2021

Fellow Planners & Colleagues:

As we all know, municipalities received or will receive ARPA Funding as part of the American Rescue Plan Act.

Curious to hear from others on how they plan on or intend to utilize ARAP funds -what projects & initiatives you deem eligible for this funding source (beyond perhaps the more obvious)?

In Northbridge (as an example) -we hope to utilize funds to construct a boardwalk along an existing riverwalk; where the current layout (portion of) runs parallel to a roadway.

This roadway fronts a number of schools & as a result of many parents opting to drop-off/pick-up students vs. busing -this has created some pedestrian/vehicle conflicts in the area; making the current walking trail inaccessible & dangerous to access.

Like other communities, we have seen an increase in recreational hikers/walkers who utilize our riverwalk and other open space areas in town since covid.

Improving the riverwalk will further encourage & promote this recreational opportunity for those who choose to get out...

Does this seem on point?

Curious to know your thoughts & what other projects you may be considering.

As always, thanks for your input.

Take care & be well,


R. Gary Bechtholdt II
Northbridge Town Planner

Community Planning & Development
Aldrich School -Town Hall Annex, 14 Hill Street
(508) 234-2447

Northbridge Memorial Town Hall
7 Main Street, Whitinsville, MA 01588


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