[Massplanners] Fwd: Underground cabinets for small wireless installations?

Danielle McKnight danielle.b.mcknight2000 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 18 15:43:57 EST 2021

Good afternoon,

Have any communities included in their design guidelines for small wireless
installations a requirement that cabinets be placed underground wherever
feasible? One of my Planning Commission members observed this practice in
another state and asked if I could see if anyone was doing this here. We
are aware that if physically not possible, we couldn't deny the
installations, but wanted to know if anyone was trying to do it.

Thank you!

Danielle McKnight, AICP

Town Planner/Community Planning Administrator

235 North Street

North Reading, MA 01864

(978) 357-5206

dmcknight at northreadingma.gov
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