[Massplanners] freestanding battery energy storage systems

Douglas Finn dfinn at edgartown-ma.us
Wed Jul 28 15:43:30 EDT 2021

>From MGL 40A Sec 3:

"No zoning ordinance or by-law shall prohibit or unreasonably regulate the
installation of solar energy systems or the *building of structures that
facilitate the collection of solar energy*, *except where necessary to
protect the public health, safety or welfare.*"

The underlined text seems to imply that it is correct.  However, the
boldface text implies that  Towns and Cities still have the right to deny a
solar-energy project for good cause.  Example: Clearcutting a mountain to
install solar panels is not in the public welfare.  Example: Putting giant
batteries in the middle of a neighborhood that, if they caught fire, would
pose a significant hazard to public safety (especially if the town doesn't
have the apparatus to fight a fire in a giant lithium ion battery field),
then you should be able to deny...


Douglas Finn, Administrative Assistant
Edgartown Planning Board
70 Main Street, PO Box 5130
Edgartown, MA 02539
dfinn at edgartown-ma.us

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021 at 2:11 PM Buck, Michelle <BuckM at leicesterma.org>

> Leicester has received a zoning interpretation request from a company
> arguing that a free-standing battery energy storage system (ESS) could be
> allowed as a “solar energy system” as it will store energy produce from
> solar projects elsewhere.  Though we have many ground-mounted solar
> facilities in Leicester, so far they’ve only had minor ancillary battery
> storage (on-site).
> How have other communities handled permitting of free-standing battery
> storage facilities?  My initial thought is that it’s an entirely new use
> and we’d have to amend our bylaw to allow, but I’d like to know how other
> communities have addressed this.
> Michelle
> Michelle R. Buck, AICP
> Leicester Town Planner/Director of Inspectional Services
> 508-892-7007
> buckm at leicesterma.org
> *Please note that Leicester Town Hall is closed on Fridays.*
> --
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