[Massplanners] Mixed Commerce Zoning Bylaw

Jane Wyrick jwyrick at cmrpc.org
Thu Dec 2 12:35:55 EST 2021

Good afternoon,

I have the following request for the massplanners listserv.

I have been searching for a good example of a zoning bylaw for a "mixed commerce" district but have not found one. Such a district would allow various commercial and industrial uses but not residential uses as it is intended for use along a highway. If any members have drafted such a bylaw, or know of one, would you please share it with me?

Much appreciated,

Jane Wyrick, AICP
Principal Planner
Regional Collaboration and Community Planning
Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
1 Mercantile Street, Suite 520
Worcester, MA  01608

Direct: (508)-459-3332 ext. 132
Fax:     (508) 792-6818
Web:    www.cmrpc.org

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