[Massplanners] Historic Preservation Workshops Survey Results

Doherty, Jennifer (SEC) jennifer.doherty2 at state.ma.us
Wed Aug 25 11:23:47 EDT 2021

Hello all,
Thank you to those who took the time to complete my survey on historic preservation workshops. It was great to hear from you all and learn more about what you are interested in and what would make you better preservationists. For those interested, I've put together a summary of the survey results, available here<https://www.dropbox.com/s/j7cs88lojenfem3/Historic%20Preservation%20Workshops%20Survey%20Results.pdf?dl=0>. I'll be following up in a few weeks with a schedule of workshops for the fall.
Thank you again!

Jennifer B. Doherty
Local Government Programs Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3314
(617) 727-8470
Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us

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