[Massplanners] Swimming Pools and Zoning Bylaw

Douglas Finn dfinn at edgartown-ma.us
Fri Aug 13 09:56:31 EDT 2021

Hey there -

Looking to get feedback:

Does your zoning bylaw address swimming pools (specifically, inground

If so, do you require
 - automatic covers?
 - fencing / enclosures?
 - alarms on dwelling doors that lead directly to a pool?
 - solar water-heating systems instead of gas or oil fired?
 - alarms
Have you had swimming pool zoning bylaws been rejected by the AG?  If so,
what was rejected?
Have you had a swimming pool zoning bylaw rejected for being in conflict
with building code?

Thanks in advance,

- Doug.

Douglas Finn, Administrative Assistant
Edgartown Planning Board
70 Main Street, PO Box 5130
Edgartown, MA 02539
dfinn at edgartown-ma.us
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