[Massplanners] Evidence of subdivision recording

Michelle Tyler mtyler at randolph-ma.gov
Wed Aug 11 11:46:25 EDT 2021

Working on the infamous list of "paper streets" in my community and came
across what appears to be a subdivision that was never constructed.
However, I can find ZERO indication that a subdivision plan was ever
recorded at the Registry of Deeds.  The only document recorded is labeled
"Mathematical Correction" of a subdivision in 2004.  I've researched the
Planning Board agenda, minutes and files (as best as I could locate them)
and can't find ANY information on approval of said subdivision.

I reached out to the subdivider (still living in the original parcel)
asking for assistance in locating documents.  Note that he previously
served on the Planning Board.  He provided nothing.

I researched the boundaries listed on deeds associated with each lot
resulting from the supposed subdivision and they are a tangled nightmare
mess.  They do not and COULD NOT align with the original lot or even the
supposed subdivision.

My gut is to "eliminate" the paper street since it seemingly doesn't
exist.  I don't see it as a rescission of the subdivision since there's no
evidence that the land was properly subdivided and certainly not recorded.

Seeking thoughts from my colleagues.

*Michelle R. Tyler*
*Director of Planning*
*Town of Randolph*
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