[Massplanners] Agricultural exemption under C 40A s 3 automatic for all 61A parcels?

bcolema at comcast.net bcolema at comcast.net
Wed Sep 25 14:41:28 EDT 2024

Thanks for any input on the following (I did not see any discussion of this particular question in the very useful APA-MA Guide):
It has been claimed that the exemptions afforded to agricultural uses under C 40A s 3 must be applied to ANY parcel which has been placed (by owner and assessor) into Chapter 61A.  Without requirement for further demonstration of agricultural use.  
This has raised concern that many otherwise regulated uses in Town (e.g. housing, retail sales beyond "farm stand", commercial) must be allowed and not regulated even if only marginally related to agricultural use, at best.  
It has even been claimed that a building permit is not needed...but the APA-MA guide seems to state otherwise.  
All for agriculture, but....
Bill Cole
Hardwick PB
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