[Massplanners] Part-Time Planner Position - Shirley, MA

Angus, Neil neilangus at devensec.com
Wed Sep 4 12:24:32 EDT 2024

Hello all,
The Town of Shirley is looking for a part-time planner if anyone is interested or knows of someone who might be.  Below is the job description:

Town of Shirley
Part-time Town Planner Job Description

Job Summary
The Planner is responsible for helping the Shirley Town Administrator, Select Board and
applicable departments, boards and commissions to guide the Town’s future growth and
development as described in the Town’s Master Plan, Open Space and Recreation Plan and
Housing Production Plan in a manner consistent with applicable state and federal mandates such
as the MBTA Communities Act. This includes, but is not limited to, recommending zoning
changes and providing input on private and public development proposals including
modifications needed to better align with the Town’s short- and long-term development goals.

The Planner is hired by the Select Board in consultation with the Town Administrator and
Personnel Board, reports directly to the Town Administrator, and works in close coordination
with the Land Use Administrative Assistant. The primary focus of the Planner is the Planning
Board (or the Zoning Board of Appeals in certain cases including 40B developments). In
addition, the Planner provides coordination among and support to the all of the Town’s boards,
commissions, and departments as needed to accomplish the Town’s planning objectives.

Job Duties and Responsibilities
The Planner is expected to perform the following functions for the Town of Shirley:
 Analyze the challenges that Shirley faces from a professional planning perspective; work
with the Town Administrator and the Town’s boards, commissions, and departments to
create realistic development goals for the Town and provide the coordination and support
needed for the Town to accomplish these goals.
 Review and evaluate specific projects including, but not limited to, Chapter 40B
affordable housing developments in consultation with the applicable boards, commissions
and departments. Recommend modifications when needed to better align with the Town’s
long-range development goals.
 Assist with implementation of the recommendations outlined in the Town of Shirley
Master Plan, Open Space and Recreation Plan, Housing Production Plan, and other state mandated
planning blueprints that have been formally adopted by the Town of Shirley.
 Assist the Planning Board and other applicable boards, commissions and departments in
efforts to increase economic development. This may include, but is not limited to,
revising the Town’s business, commercial, industrial and mixed-use zoning bylaws to
optimize development opportunities.
 Assist the Town Administrator and applicable boards, commissions and departments in
efforts to meet state mandates for affordable housing. Identify town- and privately-owned
properties suitable for development or re-development as affordable housing; secure
development partners through outreach to developers, housing authorities, and others.
 Work with the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC), Massachusetts
Department of Transportation (MassDOT) and the Town’s boards, commissions, and
departments to create safe streets for all including vulnerable users such as pedestrians,
bicyclists and the disabled.
 Conduct interactive community outreach activities to gather input from and provide
information to Shirley residents regarding planning and development initiatives, proposed
projects, etc.
 Increase grant funding received by the Town by identifying all appropriate sources of
funding and writing and submitting effective grant applications.
 Keep the Town’s boards, commissions, and departments updated on state mandates;
ensure that the Town complies, meets all required deadlines, etc.
 Coordinate with neighboring communities and MRPC, MassDOT and Mass
Development (Devens) to ensure that regional development plans benefit Shirley.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
 Knowledge of Microsoft Office Excel, Word and PowerPoint, and specialized
applications related to land use planning and development in Massachusetts, including
 Working knowledge of Massachusetts General Laws and guidelines pertaining to land
use, housing, transportation and related areas.
 Ability to communicate effectively, both verbally and in writing, and to work
collaboratively with others, including town boards, commissions and departments, as
well as members of the public.

Education, Training and Experience
 Bachelor’s degree in planning or related field.
 Five years of experience in municipal planning or related field, preferably in
 Experience drafting new zoning bylaws or updating/revising existing bylaws as needed,
including activities designed to inform local residents and ensure passage at Town
 Experience designing and conducting effective public outreach activities.
 Experience researching, writing and submitting successful grant applications relating to
transportation and land use planning.

Work Environment
The position of Planner is a part-time, 19 hour per week, salaried position. The position requires
regular attendance at twice-monthly evening meetings of the Planning Board and as-needed
attendance at evening meetings of the Zoning Board of Appeals, Conservation Commission,
Housing Committee and other applicable Town boards and commissions.

Other Functions and Responsibilities
Performs other growth and development planning-related duties not specified above at the
direction of the Town Administrator.

Pay Range
$34.40 to $39.31

Please send all cover letters and resumes in one PDF to: lbries at shirley-ma.gov<mailto:lbries at shirley-ma.gov>


Director/Land Use Administrator
Devens Enterprise Commission
33 Andrews Parkway
Devens, MA 01434
978.772.8831 x3334
Website: https://www.devensec.com<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.devensec.com%2f&c=E,1,fb_a69TGOUTObzEdBYgtepIBWc34BGm62PLO2TnMa4FzrNNJQVTskNkC1C-P9cT7Ws3gH3Wmn1-mCPYEXpHWk__cr2Yfg9ttAasrbC5JkRHZ&typo=1>
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