[Massplanners] Mass Trails conference next week!

Loutzenheiser, David DLoutzenheiser at mapc.org
Tue Oct 15 11:36:48 EDT 2024

A reminder of the Mass Trails Conference next week, particularly the Municipal Friday event.

The DCR hosted conference only comes about every two years, this year in Worcester.

The main conference is Saturday the 26h, however there is also Municipal Friday of which targets municipal staff (but is open to all).  The Friday sessions are free, the Saturday conference is $50 to register.

Please reference to the conference website for complete information and registration.


David Loutzenheiser

Senior Transportation Planner

Metropolitan Area Planning Council

60 Temple Place, Boston, MA 02111

617-933-0743  work

617-259-0275  cell

Check out Trailmap<https://trailmap.mapc.org/>!  MAPCs comprehensive regional map of trails, greenways, and bicycle facilities.


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