[Massplanners] Standard Planning Board Admin

ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com
Wed Oct 2 10:53:46 EDT 2024



What I can recommend to every planning and zoning board across the Commonwealth is the “Guidebook to Massachusetts Land Use.” This publication was written by Bob Mitchell, FAICP and Bob Ritchie, Esq. It’s published by the MA Chapter of the American Planning Association, and available to members via their website. Individual members of planning or zoning boards can join for $35 annually. This guidebook alone is worth the price of admission. I go to it frequently. Full of hyperlinks to statutes and court cases!


Best regards,


Jeff Lacy

Rural Planning Associates

896 Graves Road

Conway, MA 01341

ruralplanningassociates at crocker.com

(413) 230-9693




From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of Trish Settles | CMRPC via MassPlanners
Sent: Tuesday, October 1, 2024 4:49 PM
To: Mass Planners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [Massplanners] Standard Planning Board Admin




Does anyone have a standard how-to-guide to admin a town planning board and zoning board for a small town.  (Board of Heath too, but that is probably a different list serve.)  The town doesn’t have a planner, so the town services coordinator (TSC) handles all the administrative stuff.  But the current TSC is retiring after 14 years, and I was wondering if anyone had a how-to-guide that might simplify the expectations, so the new TSC doesn’t have to read all of MGL and doesn’t have to learn the hard way.  We are strongly encouraging the participation and usage of tools and resources like CPTC, SNEAPA, MA-APA, massplanners list serve.  


Send me your tattered cheat sheets.  Stamp this, sign this, post that, notify this…. 😉


Asking for a friend. 


Trish Settles

Trish Settles, AICP


Deputy Director

Regional Collaboration and Community Planning

Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission

1 Mercantile Street, Suite 520

Worcester, MA  01608


Direct:  (508) 756-7717 x 120 

Fax:     (508) 792-6818

Web:     <http://www.cmrpc.org/> www.cmrpc.org


 <http://cmrpc.org/>                                                      <https://www.cmrpcregionalservices.org/imagine2050>  


Please be advised that the Massachusetts Secretary of State and the Massachusetts Attorney General consider e-mail to be a public record, and therefore subject to the Massachusetts Public Records Law, M.G.L. c. 66 § 10.


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