[Massplanners] LEED for Cities and Communities Training Dec. 2 & 3 9AM-1PM

Angus, Neil neilangus at devensec.com
Thu Nov 21 13:01:47 EST 2024

Hi all,
Interested in learning more about the US Green Building Council's LEED for Cities and Communities rating system?  We are hosting a two-day (half days) training program with USGBC and the Built Environment Plus (MA Chapter of the USGBC), in association with APA MA. Attendees will learn about the rating system and how it can be used as a tool to implement more sustainable approaches to development in your own cities and towns.  Attendees who complete the course will receive a LEED for Cities and Communities Pro Training certificate and those of you who are LEED AP's can also get 8 hours of LEED - specific continuing education credits (GA and ND).   LEED AP's with this certificate can also  apply for 1 Innovation point on any upcoming or ongoing LEED for Cities and Communities project certification.

APA MA Chapter members can register at the discounted USGBC or BE+ Member Course Cost of $100, or, if you work for a local government or non-profit, you can register for $75.  For complete details and to register, go to: https://www.usgbc.org/articles/two-day-training-available-leed-cities-and-communities

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions.  Thanks and hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!


Director/Land Use Administrator
Devens Enterprise Commission
33 Andrews Parkway
Devens, MA 01434
978.772.8831 x3334
Website: https://www.devensec.com<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fwww.devensec.com%2f&c=E,1,fb_a69TGOUTObzEdBYgtepIBWc34BGm62PLO2TnMa4FzrNNJQVTskNkC1C-P9cT7Ws3gH3Wmn1-mCPYEXpHWk__cr2Yfg9ttAasrbC5JkRHZ&typo=1>
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