[Massplanners] Small Scale Affordable Housing and Inclusionary Zoning

Anne Capra acapra at southhadleyma.gov
Tue May 28 08:55:46 EDT 2024

Dear Planners,
Wondering if any of you have experience with small scale deed restricted
affordable housing projects and could share the details. We are exploring
inclusionary housing outside of our 40R District. We are trying to gauge
how small a project can be (# of units) to start requiring deed restricted
affordable units. Our concern is that mandatory inclusionary provisions
will make housing development unfeasible for typical multifamily
development (under 8-12 units) and push development of the missing middle
housing, which we very desperately need, elsewhere. Very interested in your
Anne Capra

Anne Capra, AICP
Director, Planning & Conservation
Town of South Hadley
116 Main Street | South Hadley, MA 01075
(413) 538-5030 x6128
acapra at southhadleyma.gov

*Learn more about South Hadley's community plans HERE

*Do not print this email unless necessary
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