[Massplanners] Another Chance to see Inundation District

Carolyn Britt cjbritt at comcast.net
Fri May 17 16:48:13 EDT 2024

If you have missed Inundation District at other locations over the last 
few months, you have a chance to see it on Monday night, May 20, at 7pm 
in the Ipswich Middle School/High School auditorium.

This is a film that is almost required watching for planners. It is 
about the City of Boston Innovation District - reviewing how major 
investments continue despite frequent flooding that was baked into the 
site from the beginning. It also shows the impacts on people using the 
District and the future of the District.

The conversation afterward could be lively as Ipswich had its Town 
Meeting this past week that had articles to adopt the Specialized 
Stretch Building Code (failed), repeal the Stretch Code in a citizen 
petitioned article (failed), and another citizen petitioned article to 
restrict the mention of climate change in any future warrant article 

So please join us if you have not seen this film, or want to see it again.

Carolyn Britt, AICP

1 Shagbark Woods


Ipswich Climate Resiliency Committee

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