[Massplanners] Free Dark Skies presentation, Zoom

Carol Kowalski ckowalski at lexingtonma.gov
Wed May 1 10:16:47 EDT 2024

Planners may be interested in this free online presentation.

The Arlington Land Trust presents a special program, Restore Dark Skies for Arlington, on Tuesday, May 14, at 7:00 pm, via Zoom,  https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJAtdOCrrTIiGNMUK8RBMx0vnkB8RzHY_0SU
Kelly Beatty, senior editor at Sky & Telescope Magazine, will explain how light pollution disrupts wildlife, impacts human health, wastes money and energy, contributes to climate change, and blocks our view of the universe. Nevertheless, light pollution increases almost ten percent per year globally.

Join the Arlington Land Trust for this Zoom presentation followed by Q&A. Register for Zoom link:


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