[Massplanners] Examples of new, small two-story mixed use buildings

Jeff Bagg JBagg at bscgroup.com
Thu Mar 28 11:31:55 EDT 2024

Hi all,

I don't recall seeing any such posts recently.

I was curious if anyone has seen or been part of permitting (or saw construction) of any new, smallish two-story mixed-use buildings?

It's a great way to get at some missing middle housing units to fit within a small downtown area.

Hoping to find some examples!  Any address or other information (street/town) or reference point would be helpful.

Jeffrey Bagg (he, him)

Senior Planner

1 Mercantile Street, Suite 610 / Worcester, MA 01606

O: 508-792-4500 / C: 413-250-7894

jbagg at bscgroup.com<mailto:email at bscgroup.com>

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