[Massplanners] validation for citizen-led planning

Barbara Carboni bcarboni at truro-ma.gov
Fri Jun 28 10:02:40 EDT 2024


As with many projects, work on Truro's Local Comprehensive Plan, begun in 2018, languished during the pandemic. The Committee began meeting again in the spring of 2021, completed the plan in the summer of 2023, and Town meeting approved the plan at ATM 2024.  The plan has been submitted to the Cape Cod Commission for certification.

Earlier this week, the Truro Select Board used the five Goals of the LCP as the foundation for setting its own Goals and Objectives for 2024-2025.

This may be the norm elsewhere and unremarkable to some.  However, to me, it is a  victory worth celebrating and I wanted to share it.  As we know, plans often sit on shelves.  This one lives!  The LCPC's perseverance, and the Select Board centering the LCP goals  are worth celebrating.


Barbara Carboni  AICP  MCPPO
Truro Town Planner and Land Use Counsel
(508) 214 0928

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