[Massplanners] MAPP Summer Workshop August 16th 12PM-2PM- Rapscallion Pub Sturbridge

Kristina Johnson kjohnson at townofhudson.org
Wed Jul 31 12:48:22 EDT 2024

Planning Friends and Colleagues,

Let's nerd out together on zoning! MAPP is pleased to have Daniel Messplay, AICP, Senior Manager of Zoning and Development for the City of Cambridge discuss the City of Cambridge's Affordable Housing Overlay Zoning. Adopted by the City Council in October 2020, the 100%-Affordable Housing Overlay (AHO) is designed to help affordable housing developers create new, permanently affordable homes more quickly, more cost effectively, and in areas of the city where there are currently fewer affordable housing opportunities. The AHO allows the creation of new, permanently affordable housing that is denser than what might be allowed under base zoning, and creates a new review process through which new affordable housing can be approved more efficiently. Click here for more information<https://www.cambridgema.gov/CDD/housing/housingdevelopment/aho> about Cambridge's AHO.

This workshop will be held as an in-person only event, and will not be recorded.  Registration is free for MAPP and APA-MA Members, and will be capped at 35 registrants. And of course, lunch will be provided. This workshop will be approved for AICP CM credits.

For more information, please email maplanningdirectors at gmail.com<mailto:maplanningdirectors at gmail.com>. CLICK HERE<https://www.eventbrite.com/e/mapp-summer-workshop-city-of-cambridge-affordable-housing-overlay-zoning-tickets-968514953297> for more information about the event and to register.


Kristina Johnson, AICP
Director of Planning and Community Development
Town of Hudson, Massachusetts
kjohnson at townofhudson.org<mailto:kjohnson at townofhudson.org>
***New Town Hall Hours***
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday:  8AM-4:30PM
Tuesday: 8:00AM- 6:30PM
Friday: 8:00AM-Noon

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