[Massplanners] 40R/Smart Growth Zoning

Elena Eimert eeimert at Salem.com
Sun Jul 28 09:43:37 EDT 2024

Hello all -

I’m interested in hearing from communities that have adopted 40R/Smart Growth Zoning. We are proposing the establishment of a district in Salem.

My understanding is that there are two major routes of initiation for this zoning -
1. The municipality defines an area where they would like to see that type of growth and pursues the rezoning; and
2. A collaboration between the municipality and potential project team, where the potential project advances some goals identified by the municipality’s planning efforts and the rezoning is pursued to make possible that potential project.

Does that sound accurate to the hive mind?

If your community has adopted 40R zoning, I’d love to hear about your experience with the process and any observed outcomes.

Thanks, all!

Elena Eimert (she/her/hers)| Senior Planner
Department of Planning & Community Development
98 Washington St., 2nd Floor | Salem, MA 01970
978-619-5684<tel:978-619-5684> ex. 42502 | eeimert at salem.com
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