[Massplanners] Friday Boozy Question

Hurley, Margaret (AGO) margaret.hurley at mass.gov
Fri Jul 19 10:12:19 EDT 2024

Hi Chris and all:

The AGO’s municipal law unit has issued some decisions on the licensing question. I’ll try to post one to the listserve.

Enjoy your (tech challenged) day!


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From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> on behalf of Ryan, Christopher via MassPlanners <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Sent: Friday, July 19, 2024 9:08:14 AM
To: 'Mass Planners' <massplanners at masscptc.org>
Subject: [Massplanners] Friday Boozy Question

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Hi all

Been saving this for a quiet Friday.

Anyone have any model, cutting edge bylaws allowing breweries, distilleries, etc.?

What have you seen as primary impediments other than temperance, water/sewer?

Do they require the same liquor licensing at various levels and permutations?

Thanks and cheers! Let’s have a happy hour!



Christopher J. Ryan, AICP

Director of Planning & Building

Town of Belmont

19 Moore Street

Belmont, MA 02478-0900

Tel: 617.993.2658

Email: cryan at belmont-ma.gov<mailto:cryan at belmont-ma.gov>

Web: https://www.belmont-ma.gov/office-of-planning-building<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.belmont-ma.gov/office-of-planning-building__;!!CPANwP4y!UKtW0IKgmA6aINTdxFsk4zp0KLA27ZGbmwo-bH5T2t7bAsKIOoUoQhf4ddlll5vrEuzdV6xRzvoAS_5X-IabS4dVjr6sNI0$>


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