[Massplanners] Split Site Plan Approval/ Special Permit Decision

Valerie Oorthuys planning at stow-ma.gov
Tue Apr 16 09:33:15 EDT 2024

Hi everyone,

I'm wondering if anyone may have an example to share of a decision that grants Site Plan Approval while denying a Special Permit? In Stow, this is typically a combined decision.  The Planning Board would have good reason to deny the Special Permit component, though with very few legitimate reasons for not granting Site Plan Approval this could be a tricky decision to draft.  If any towns have an example of an SPA denial, that would be helpful as well.

Thank you for any advice!

Valerie Oorthuys, AICP
Planning Director | Town of Stow

Stow Planning Department
380 Great Road
Stow, MA 01775
P: 978-897-5098

Stow Comprehensive Plan 2035<https://experience.arcgis.com/experience/31a71e987dc24baa8717dced28e8f933/page/Home/?views=View-28%2CView-20%2CView-17>
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