[Massplanners] Happening TODAY @ 4PM! at UMass/Boston: Join us in honoring Ralph Willmer, FAICP

Hollander, Justin Justin.Hollander at tufts.edu
Thu Apr 4 12:13:57 EDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

This is happening today at 4PM!!!  Hope to see you!

The 2nd Annual Massachusetts Distinguished Planner Annual Lecture TODAY: Thursday, April 4, 2024 at 4 pm at UMass Boston, Rm 3300, Integrated Sciences Complex. This exciting forum is being jointly hosted by APA-MA and the Massachusetts Planning Schools (BU, Harvard, MIT, Northeastern, UMass/Boston, UMass/Amherst, and Tufts).

After a long career, most planners have a lot to say to the next generation and we have launched this Lecture to provide a forum for one planner in the state per year to reflect on their practice and speak openly and frankly about their experiences in the profession.  All Massachusetts planners and planning students are invited to attend the Lecture during which the speaker will deliver remarks that offer words-of-wisdom for emerging practitioners and reflections that even the most accomplished among us will be able to appreciate.

We have selected Ralph Willmer<https://www.planning.org/blog/9254648/ralph-willmer-named-aicp-ethics-officer/>, FAICP, to deliver this year's Massachusetts Distinguished Planner Lecture.  Ralph has a long and impressive record as a planner, most recently with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council.  In retirement, he has been serving as the American Institute of Certified Planners' National Ethics Officer.

We expect Ralph's presentation to generate a robust discussion regarding the future of planning in the Greater Boston Region. Light refreshments will follow the question-and-answer period.
All the best,

Justin Hollander, FAICP
Urban and Environmental Policy and Planning
Tufts University

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