[Massplanners] abandonment of use for multi-family dwellings

bcolema at comcast.net bcolema at comcast.net
Tue Oct 10 11:58:25 EDT 2023

Wondering whether an unoccupied three family dwelling is considered to have abandoned it's non-conforming pre-existing use as a three family if it has sat empty for several years (though taxes have been paid).  It is gutted and in need of major renovation, but is not in a district where a new multi family could be built without a special permit.  
Also, is a former four family dwelling that was changed several years ago to a two family dwelling entitled to return to a four family as a pre-existing non-conforming use.... or is the four family non-conforming use considered abandoned because it was physically changed to a two family dwelling?
The concept of abandonment of use is confusing to me.  
Thanks in advance for any guidance. 
Bill Cole
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