[Massplanners] Middleborough - Haitian Refugees

Leeann Bradley bradleyl at middleboroughma.gov
Tue Oct 10 10:30:32 EDT 2023

Good Morning,

Middleborough has received 150 Haitian refugees over the past two weeks.  We are coordinating needs assessments for this coming Thursday, October 12th.  Does anyone have a template that asks all the important questions?  Thank you.


Leeann Bradley
Director of Planning and Community Development
Town Hall Annex
20 Center Street
Middleborough, MA 02346
508-946-2425 ext. 1150

[Middleborough Town Seal]
[Remembering Pearl Harbor, 75 years later]

PLEASE NOTE NEW EMAIL ADDRESS:  BradleyL at middleboroughma.gov

Please note:  All Town email addresses have changed to @MiddleboroughMA.GOV.  Please update your address books accordingly.

When responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is public record and therefore cannot be kept confidential.
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