[Massplanners] Merger provision applicability

John Hansen Jr. jhansen at swanseama.gov
Mon Nov 20 09:27:31 EST 2023

Good morning all - Have a question about the merger provision applicability.  We had someone come in and ask if their vacant undersized lot could be built upon.  As with any such request, we ask if any adjacent lots are or were held in common.  In this case, there is an adjacent lot with a house on it that they own however it lies within an adjacent town.  So the question is does the merger provision apply to adjacent lots held in common not within the subject community?  Thanks in advance and have a Happy Thanksgiving!

John P. Hansen, Jr., AICP
Community Development Director
68 Stevens Road
Swansea, MA 02777
508-674-5731  x6
jhansen at swanseama.gov

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