[Massplanners] Westborough RFP: Downtown Development Plan

Jennifer Gingras jgingras at westboroughma.gov
Mon Nov 6 15:05:13 EST 2023

Good Afternoon,

The Town of Westborough is excited to announce that we have released a Request for Proposals to provide a downtown development plan.  The purpose of the project is to reimagine how the downtown can be transformed into a destination for the Westborough community and neighboring towns.

The goals of this project are to:

* Develop a long-term, comprehensive plan for attracting and retaining diverse, sustainable businesses that contribute to a community development philosophy of "Placemaking," with priority given to the revitalization of the Downtown area, an existing commercial area;

* Identify and address zoning challenges that prevent the sustainable build-out of economic potential;

* Capitalize on the many natural, recreational, cultural and historical assets as a magnet to attract tourism and create/retain complementary small businesses.

The RFP can be accessed here: https://www.bidnetdirect.com/massachusetts/townwestborough.

Thank you,

Jenny Gingras
Director of Planning
Town of Westborough
45 West Main St.
Westborough, MA  01581
Office (508)366-3055
Direct (508) 871-5234
Cell (508) 983-4920
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