[Massplanners] Minor Site Plan Review(s)

Eric Rumsey erumsey at southbridgemass.org
Mon May 15 08:23:07 EDT 2023

Good Monday morning all.

Here’s one for you:  Our current zoning bylaw allows for Minor Site Plan Review applications to be discussed and approved by a Development Review Team made up of town staff; myself, Building Commissioner, DPW Director, Police, Fire, BOH, etc.  A member or two of my Planning Board has questioned the legality of this.  I have not seen anywhere where this is not legal.  Does your town/city allow for the approval of minor site plan reviews by town staff, or are they all done by your Planning Board?

Many thanks,

Eric Rumsey
Town Planner & Conservation Agent
Economic Development and Planning Department
Town of Southbridge
41 Elm Street | Southbridge, MA 01550
p: 508.764.5402
e: erumsey at southbridgemass.org<mailto:erumsey at southbridgemass.org>
w: ci.southbridge.ma.us

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