[Massplanners] Fwd: MA Dredging Program Regional Equipment Grant Opportunity

Furtado, Jacqueline (SEA) jacqueline.furtado at state.ma.us
Fri Mar 17 11:16:20 EDT 2023

FYI on a MA Dredging grant opportunity.

Jacquie Furtado, AICP
Senior Program Manager - EOHED/MassWorks
Sent via iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

From: "EOHEDGrants (EOHED)" <eohedgrants at mass.gov>
Date: March 17, 2023 at 11:00:18 AM EDT
Subject: MA Dredging Program Regional Equipment Grant Opportunity

To Massachusetts Coastal Municipalities:

**Please excuse any duplicate notifications**

The Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development (EOHED) is pleased to announce the availability of funding for the purchase of regional dredging equipment through the Massachusetts Dredging Program. Grants will be awarded on a competitive basis, with a focus on new purchases that will increase regional capabilities, and support the economic vitality, tourism, and ecosystem health of Massachusetts’s harbors.

The 2023 Regional Equipment Grant Round is open to the Commonwealth’s 78 coastal municipalities and any public commissions representing two or more of these municipalities, including county commissions. Funding is available to support capital purchases, which are necessary for the operation and delivery of dredging services on a regional basis. A minimum 50% non-state match is required for any application to be considered. Successful applicants will be required to complete purchases by June 30, 2023.

For complete details, please review the RFP available on COMMBUYS<https://www.commbuys.com/bso/external/bidDetail.sdo?docId=BD-23-1100-EED01-EED01-84998&external=true&parentUrl=close>, bid# BD-23-1100-EED01-EED01-84998. Questions regarding the RFP may be submitted via email through March 22nd. Please see the RFP for emailing instructions. Applications must be received via electronic submission no later than April 5, 2023.

Please note that applications for construction-phase dredging projects will be accepted in the upcoming general round of the MA Dredging Program, which is anticipated to open in early April. To be added to the general round announcement list, please send your name, organization, and email address to EOHEDgrants at mass.gov<mailto:EOHEDgrants at mass.gov>, subject line: "Dredging Program Email List."


Nicholas Bulens
EOHED Grants Team
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