[Massplanners] APA-MA DEI Committee Lunch and Learn -- LEP and Disabilities Communications Needs Assessment and Access Plan, TUES 3/14 at NOON

Ken Comia Kcomia at pvpc.org
Wed Mar 8 14:10:37 EST 2023

COME JOIN US THIS TUESDAY, MARCH 14th AT NOON VIA ZOOM for our APA-MA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee's Lunch and Learn!

Alexis Lanzillotta of the Barrett Planning Group will present the firm's recently completed and APA-MA Chapter Award-Winning Needs Assessment and Action Plan for LEP and Disability Communications Access Plan for the City of Quincy, MA. She will discuss the strengths and limitations often experienced by organizations trying to improve their meaningful access to communications, and highlights lessons learned and best practices. The Plan's recommendations enable the City to advance social justice, inclusion, and fairness for those with Limited English Proficiency and those with mobility, cognition, independent living, hearing, vision, and self-care disabilities in one of the fastest-growing and most diverse cities in the Greater Boston area.

Please click the link to register for the session.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/gmail.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=f3165c5c009077815dc03586f&id=fb3a4e0bf5&e=39d75b8b10__;!!CUhgQOZqV7M!iK_gUoOCuEEWBT0_SIClvLoi_1vzpj8Yxe-FoDmwd_8zKz4Z5wfeO2CidAJkg0dxs46nRz228QeApS2KCuIi1is92TfWld7BSg$>

Kenneth Comia, AICP
Deputy Director, Land Use and Environment Department

Pioneer Valley Planning Commission
60 Congress Street - Floor 1
Springfield, MA 01104
p: 413-285-1175 | e: kcomia at pvpc.org<mailto:kcomia at pvpc.org>
w: pvpc.org<http://www.pvpc.org/>

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