[Massplanners] Economic Feasibility Analysis - MBTA Communities Compliance

Fiona Coughlan coughlanf at grafton-ma.gov
Thu Jun 1 17:40:51 EDT 2023

Hello MassPlanners,

Do any communities with inclusionary zoning requiring an economic
feasibility analysis for Section 3A compliance have an RFP they could

Thank you in advance!

Fiona Coughlan
Town Planner | Town of Grafton
Grafton Memorial Municipal Center, 30 Providence Rd., Grafton, MA 01519
P: 508-839-5335 x1402  |  E: coughlanf at grafton-ma.gov
<andersenj at grafton-ma.gov>  | W:

Take our Master Plan Survey!: https://form.typeform.com/to/jS5XgnVe
Facebook: f/GraftonMasterPlan
W: www.GraftonMasterPlan.com
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