[Massplanners] CMRPC openings, Regional Collaboration and Community Planning

Dominique Dutremble ddutremble at cmrpc.org
Mon Jul 31 10:56:54 EDT 2023

Hello, planning friends. I hope you are all having a great summer.

I have three exciting Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) opportunities to share:

Associate Planner, Land Use/Comprehensive Planning:

CMRPC seeks candidates for a full-time (37.5 hours/week) position of Associate Planner within the agency's Regional Collaboration and Community Planning Department. The staffer will serve as a key member of the agency's Community Planning program, which includes Land Use, Comprehensive/ Master Planning, and Housing. The Planner will contribute to land use and zoning projects, the development and coordination of long-range comprehensive (general) master plans, and other initiatives.  The successful applicant will be able to lead complex planning processes with minimal supervision and possess working knowledge of land use and zoning principles. Projects may include zoning diagnostics, zoning rewrites, development of bylaws, review of subdivision regulations, site-specific constraints analysis, comprehensive/ master (general) plans, downtown and town center plans, housing production plans, and regional initiatives. The anticipated starting salary range is $50,000 to $64,360 depending on experience and qualifications. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/rv5vj94je3hwl0wlvuyff/Land-Use-and-Comprehensive-Planner-20230727.docx?rlkey=dxbgvd8ywqhr48zr5hp9us9cy&dl=0

Community Development Project Planner:

CMRPC seeks an innovative, diligent, and team-oriented community development professional to join its multi-disciplinary Regional Collaboration and Community Planning staff. This division provides a broad spectrum of support and technical services, including community and economic development planning; energy and environmental planning; open space and recreation planning; zoning bylaw and subdivision regulation writing and technical assistance; master and open space planning; and a variety of grant writing and administrative services. This position will be based in CMRPC's four-person community development team. The successful applicant will aid partner communities with community development planning and needs assessments, project eligibility discussions, project selection recommendations, public outreach, field surveys, grant applications, as well as aspects of budgeting, grant administration and grant compliance. The community development project planner will coordinate grant-funded projects generally implemented by consultants/contractors that typically include plans (ADA, infrastructure, and environmental), architectural and engineering designs, building and public works construction, and occasionally oversight of housing rehabilitation and/or social service partnerships. Additional roles from time to time may include support for portions of community master plans, hazard mitigation/climate resilience plans, development of shared municipal services, or other grant seeking. The starting salary range is $43,500 to $64,360 depending on experience and qualifications. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/02olap9ea077uphldq7f0/Community-Development-Planner-Ass-t-Assoc.docx?rlkey=4xttu7n7k3wxn8o4wxn21a1g7&dl=0

Regional Emergency Preparedness Coordinator:

The Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission (CMRPC) seeks candidates for the full-time (37.5 hours/week) position of Regional Emergency Preparedness Planner within the agency's Homeland Security Division of its Regional Collaboration and Community Planning Department. S/he will support administration of emergency preparedness grants, specifically for the Central Region Homeland Security Advisory Council (CRHSAC). This is an opportunity to work in a dynamic, interdisciplinary, and innovative environment with an opportunity for growth. The successful applicant will report to the Central Region Homeland Security Program Manager and duties will focus on the Homeland Security Program. In addition to supporting the Homeland Security Program, the Regional Emergency Preparedness Planner may also support regional evacuation and emergency planning efforts, asset mapping and inventory, public outreach, field surveys, grant applications, budgeting, and grant administration and compliance. Additional roles from time to time may include support for aspects of hazard mitigation plans, climate/resilience preparedness plans, development of shared municipal services, and other grant seeking. Starting salary range is $50,000 to $80,000 depending on experience and qualifications. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1xeuwo5qhaomyt9/Regional%20Emergency%20%20Preparedness%20Planner%2020230710.pdf?dl=0

Thanks for helping us share these opportunities.

Dominique DuTremble, AICP
Division Leader/ Project Manager
Central Massachusetts Regional Planning Commission
1 Mercantile Street, Suite 520
Worcester, MA 01608
Mobile: (207) 798-0524

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