[Massplanners] [EXTERNAL] Residential Dumpster Regulations

Michael McCarthy Michael.McCarthy at newbedford-ma.gov
Tue Jul 18 10:21:45 EDT 2023

Hi John,

We have the following specifically for dumpsters on properties that do not receive waste collection from the city:

Part of the larger Section 16-80<https://library.municode.com/ma/new_bedford/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=COOR_CH16MUUTSE_ARTIVSOWACODI_S16-80PRCOSOWARE>
Owners of properties that do not receive solid waste or recyclable collection by the city shall ensure that all waste materials awaiting collection by a private or commercial hauler shall be placed in receptacles which shall contain only material generated by owners and occupants of the private property where they are located and shall be flytight, rodent resistant, nonflammable and waterproof, and shall be so constructed as to prevent the escape of litter onto public or private property. All such receptacles shall be kept on private property at all times and not on public streets or sidewalks. All such receptacles in residentially zoned areas or within thirty (30) feet of such an area shall be screened from view.

The Planning Board enforces these standards as part of site plan review and will often condition the issuance of the building permit upon seeing dumpster screening details added to a plan set.

Mike McCarthy
Asst. City Planner
New Bedford

From: MassPlanners <massplanners-bounces at masscptc.org> On Behalf Of John Hansen Jr. via MassPlanners
Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2023 8:50 AM
To: massplanners at masscptc.org
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [Massplanners] Residential Dumpster Regulations

Good morning all - Do any municipalities out there have residential dumpster regulations (i.e. screening/location standards), like is common in commercial situations as part of site plan review?  We've had some residents complain about their neighbors who have dumpsters at the end of their driveways clearly visible in new subdivisions.  These folks are choosing to opt out of the Town's pay-as-you-throw program and contract with dumpster companies.  It would seem that these type of standards are ripe for inclusion in an HOA however some of the older subdivisions do not have HOA's setup.  Thanks.

John P. Hansen, Jr., AICP
Community Development Director
68 Stevens Road
Swansea, MA 02777
508-674-5731  x6
jhansen at swanseama.gov<mailto:jhansen at swanseama.gov>

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