[Massplanners] You Are Invited! MA Deconstruction Workgroup Meeting March 15th
Doherty, Jennifer (SEC)
jennifer.doherty2 at state.ma.us
Tue Feb 21 17:02:43 EST 2023
Sharing on behalf of MassDEP
Reuse Markets for Building Materials
Current Opportunities and Partnering to Grow Capacity
Before you tear that building down, we need to talk...
MassDEP invites you to attend our next Deconstruction Workgroup meeting (*a sub-working group of MassDEP's Reduce & Reuse Working Group<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.mass.gov/service-details/massdep-reduce-reuse-rr-working-group__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!GZTCM75yJa2erzq53xgAewsQIDcXIeXnCZnbajiagGH-52dk24UP_AaznwF_hd7G-EnAjPhFYkAZ-0346GpYYCTf77a95jmKi4JJ$>).
Wednesday, March 15th, 1:30-3:00 p.m.
Deconstruction Workgroup Virtual Meeting
All are welcome!
Click here to join us!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkceCrqDgiH9e_vO24e2f1r-1I_GdXfmqC__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!GZTCM75yJa2erzq53xgAewsQIDcXIeXnCZnbajiagGH-52dk24UP_AaznwF_hd7G-EnAjPhFYkAZ-0346GpYYCTf77a95sJzA7WQ$>
Our group first convened last September, where we introduced deconstruction concepts to a wide range of stakeholders. We followed that with a second meeting on December 14th titled Inspiration and Practice, featuring industry leaders with deep experience doing deconstruction projects for residential and commercial customers. Recordings and presentations are posted on MassDEP's website at this link<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.mass.gov/lists/reduce-reuse-rr-working-group-deconstruction-workgroup-archive__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!GZTCM75yJa2erzq53xgAewsQIDcXIeXnCZnbajiagGH-52dk24UP_AaznwF_hd7G-EnAjPhFYkAZ-0346GpYYCTf77a95hZn9rgx$>.
On March 15th, we will hear about established markets for building materials, capacity needs and issues, and what is possible going forward.
We have a line-up of innovative speakers, including representatives from:
§ Boston Building Resources
§ EcoBuilding Bargains
§ Doors Unhinged
§ And more!
Come with your questions and an open mind- let's harness our strengths to enable reuse of existing buildings along with development of a vibrant, local, reuse economy for building materials.
Who should attend: Municipal officials, advocacy groups, historic preservationists, architects/engineers/construction professionals, demolition businesses, waste haulers, building materials and reuse organizations, solid waste and recycling professionals.
Please share this invitation with all who may be interested.
REGISTER HERE<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAkceCrqDgiH9e_vO24e2f1r-1I_GdXfmqC__;!!O9h35Ks8fCsF!GZTCM75yJa2erzq53xgAewsQIDcXIeXnCZnbajiagGH-52dk24UP_AaznwF_hd7G-EnAjPhFYkAZ-0346GpYYCTf77a95sJzA7WQ$>
Jennifer B. Doherty
Local Government Programs Coordinator
Massachusetts Historical Commission
220 Morrissey Boulevard
Boston, MA 02125-3314
Office: (617) 727-8470
Remote: (617) 807-0685
Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us<mailto:Jennifer.Doherty at sec.state.ma.us>
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