[Massplanners] Parking Requirements

Jacki Byerley jacki.byerley at andoverma.us
Thu Dec 14 13:58:58 EST 2023

Hello everyone, I am trying to update our parking requirements especially for restaurants, retail, warehousing, research labs, and manufacturing.

Couple of questions I have are:
Do you use gross floor area or net floor area to calculate the parking?
Do you require parking for employees, mainly asking regarding the restaurant and retail uses?
Do you have different requirements for your downtown district than other districts?
When is the last time you amended the parking requirements?

Right now, I am leaning towards net floor area for all uses and not including employee parking requirements for restaurants or retail but would like to hear what other communities are doing.

I would appreciate any feedback.


Jacki Byerley, AICP
Town of Andover
36 Bartlet Street
Andover, MA 01810

Phone : 978-623-8650
Fax: 978-623-8695

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