[Massplanners] Question about becoming the least patriotic town planner in...

William Roth wroth at stoughton-ma.gov
Wed Dec 13 13:37:54 EST 2023

It's not an agenda Item but the Board here in Stoughton always does the
Pledge of Allegiance.  It's just their practice.  I would not think it
should be written down in the procedures.  It's really just the
prerogative of the Board if they want to do it, is how I look at it.

*Bill Roth*
*Town Planner*
*Town of Stoughton*

On Wed, Dec 13, 2023 at 12:48 PM Thomas Bott via MassPlanners <
massplanners at masscptc.org> wrote:

> Dear Planners:
> The Board in CranberryLand USA is still working on finding their way. We
> have had some very interesting conversations about the Agenda recently. My
> question might just make me that most unpatriotic planner in Murica, but
> sometimes we have to ask the tough questions.
> Does the Planning Board that you work with recite the Pledge of Allegiance
> at the beginning of their meeting? I have been in the process of updating
> the Board's Operating Procedures
> https://www.carverma.gov/sites/g/files/vyhlif4221/f/uploads/pb_procedures_revised_6-29-2016.pdf
>  and there are no pledges noted in the policies nor on their Agenda,
> nevertheless they persist. No pledges including a Pledge to the Zoning
> Bylaw nor a Pledge to the Subdivision Regs  not even a pledge for a Nina
> Toten Bag https://shopnpr.org/this-is-nina-totin-bag are cited.
> It seems like a regular feature in some communities for the Select Board
> but these folks selected the Planning Board for their public service.
> I would be much obliged as well if you wanted to share any of your
> policies and procedures.
> Thanks much,
> TBott, fellow traveler?
> Thomas Bott Carver Town Planner
> Practicing Planning in the Commonwealth since the last Millennium
> *#TownPlannerSilverJubilee*
> --
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