[Massplanners] As-Built Guarantees

Alexandra Lowder ALowder at tewksbury-ma.gov
Tue Sep 13 09:59:33 EDT 2022

Hi all,

A question came up during the Tewksbury Planning Board meeting last night regarding the guarantee of as-built submissions at the end of the project. We have a project coming in for a Site Plan modification later this month, but they still have outstanding as-built from the original construction.

The way we have typically handled getting these is taking a $10k guarantee to be returned once a satisfactory as-built is submitted to the Town Engineer with varying degrees of success. The project in question has a $20k bond we have been holding since 2014. The amount alone does not seem to be incentive enough to be compliant, so I wanted to see what other communities do, and to what success.

Thank you for your time,

Alexandra Lowder
Community/Economic Development Planner
Town of Tewksbury
1009 Main Street
Tewksbury, MA 01876
Office Phone:  (978) 640-4370 Ext. 248
Mobile: (978) 866-4531

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